Data Science and Technology in Gerontology
- Course Number: GMS 6495
- Credits: 3
- Course Format: This online course is tailored for asynchronous distance learners.
- Course Syllabus: Download
Course Description
This course introduces students to the state-of-the-art concepts in technology and data science and their applications in the healthcare domain with a focus on geriatric health outcomes. Topics of interest include: data science fundamentals, electronic health records, ethics in AI, precision medicine, technology adoption among older adults, ecological momentary assessment, digital phenotyping, the role of technology to alleviate loneliness among older adults, life-space mobility, and the use of technology to support the caregivers of Alzheimer patients. The course will provide a global education about these concepts without diving into technical details. At the completion of this course, students will be able to describe how technology and data science are employed in the healthcare domain in general and the geriatric domain in specific.
Course Goals
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Define basic data science terminologies and describe the essential components of data science and the accompanied opportunities and challenges.
- Describe data science applications in the healthcare and geriatric domains.
- Describe the perception of older adults toward the adoption of technology and identify the technological
features that can assist older adults in their daily life including mobility and cognition. - Describe the digital phenotyping concept and how that can be used to advance healthcare research.