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Student Testimonial: Sheree Carter

Online Medical Physiology Program Graduate

Sheree Carter

“Taking this program gave me confidence when reading the MCAT passages, because I knew about disorders or the molecular processes being explained. This made answering the questions fairly easy.”

“The physiology program helped me a lot. If you really study and know the material you won’t have to work so hard studying for the biology sections of the exam (some psych and physics too), because the passages will explain material that you should already be familiar with. I took the Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology as well as the Cardiovascular and Muscular Physiology courses, and the research papers we wrote about different disorders helped the most with marrying what I learned in class and the MCAT. Taking this program gave me confidence when reading the MCAT passages, because I knew about disorders or the molecular processes being explained. This made answering the questions fairly easy. I haven’t taken the other physiology courses, but the two that I took helped me a lot when studying for the MCAT.”